Family Catholic Resources
for parents
Keep Your Kids Catholic: Sharing Your Faith and Making It Stick, by Marc Cardaronella
Raising Pure Teens, by Jason Evert and Chris Stefanick
for fathers
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters, by Meg Meeker, M.D.
Mentor’s Handbook: How to Form Boys into Inspiring and Capable Men, by Fr. Peter Michael Henry
Show Us the Father: 7 Secrets to Be a Father on Earth Like the Father in Heaven, by Devin Schadt
Legacy: A Father’s Handbook for Raising Godly Children, by Stephen Wood
Successful Fathers, by James B. Stenson
Man to Man, Dad to Dad, edited by Brian Caulfield
for mothers
Strong Mothers, Strong Sons, by Meg Meeker, M.D.
A Mother’s Rule of Life, by Holly Pierlot
The Heart of Perfection, by Colleen Carroll Campbell
for children
YOUCAT English Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church, by YOUCAT Foundation
The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism¸ Official Revised Edition, explained by Father Bennet, C.P.
Any book from the series called “Encounter the Saints” printed by Pauline Press (there are 37 of them)
Any book from the series called “Vision Books” printed by Ignatius Press
The Book of Heroes, by Amy Welborn
The Children’s Book of Virtues, edited by William J. Bennett
together time
The Squire and the Scroll, by Jennie Bishop (for boys, the book and the workbook)
The Princess and the Kiss, by Jennie Bishop (for girls, the book and the workbook)
The Saints and Our Children, by Mary Reed Newland
for parents
- has some great free resources
- You may also be interested in a Catholic Summer Camp for teens ages 12-18 called Camp Veritas. Please check the following link for more information:
for fathers
for mothers
for children
- “Brother Francis” animated series teaches children different aspects of our Catholic faith and helps them understand how to life a joy-filled Catholic life. You can access free Brother Francis videos on website by registering with your parish code ( or you can purchase them in DVD format.
- “My Catholic Family” animated episodes introduce the lives of various saints and demonstrate how to apply the lessons learned from the saints in real life situations.
- “My Time with Jesus” animated episodes will take your kids back in time of Jesus and allow them to experience Gospel stories first-hand and be introduced to the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Faith
- “Superbook” animated series will take your kids on a great adventure, back to the very beginning, and walk them through the many points of our salvation history, introducing all the main characters and important events. Click the link below to register and watch for free.
​- “Veggie Tales" animated episodes convey Christian moral themes and teach Biblical values and lessons.
together time
- Theology of the Body for Teens: Discovering God’s Plan for Love and Life (Middle School Edition, 3 DVD set)
- YOU: Life, Love, and the Theology of the Body (High School) is a curriculum that helps young people understand the significance of their sexuality and the purpose of their lives. This program takes the two hottest topics on the planet, God and sex. It marries all of them through Pope John Paul II's compelling vision for love and life.
To use this resource for free, find out from your parish office what your parish code is, enter it, and follow the prompts. You will find incredible movies, documentaries, audio books, audio dramas, talks covering vast majority of topics about every aspect of our Catholic Faith. There is something for both adults and children of different ages.